Master’s Program



Prerequisite to enroll: A recognized Bachelor’s degree.

Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including thesis

1 BITH502 – The Gospels/The Life of Christ
A chronological and synthetic study of the Gospels’ accounts of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension.
2 BITH504 – Old Testament Theology I
The Old Testament books of Genesis-Kings are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.
3 BITH505 – Old Testament Theology II
Latter Prophets & Writings The Old Testament books of Job-Malachi are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.
4 BITH506 – Basic Hebrew
Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar: orthography, morphophonemics, vocabulary; historical developments; readings and exercises.
5 BITH536 – Introduction to Missions
“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.
6 BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation
The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.
7 BITH575 – Comparative Religions
Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.
8 BITH576 – Christian Ethics and Excellence
This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.
9 BITH599 – Thesis (6 Credits) 6
10 BITH600 – Apologetics
In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.
11 BITH630 – Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation
In this course, students discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.



Prerequisite to enroll: A recognized Bachelor’s degree.

Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including thesis

1 BITH507 – Hebrew Exegesis (The Book of Isaiah)
In addition to surveying the contents of the book, the course develops the understanding and skills of exegetical exposition.
2 BITH536 – Introduction to Missions
“Missio Dei” is the idea that God is actively working to reconcile His creation to Himself through Jesus Christ. This course presents an overview of the theology of missions, as well as current trends in missions.
3 BITH537 -Church Planting
Biblical and historical perspectives on church planting; starting new churches in the age of the Internet; steps and procedures for establishing a mission and developing it into an organized church; practical methods and techniques used in church planting
4 BITH571 – Systematic Theology 1
A systematic study of Christian theology with special attention given to bibliology and theology properly.
5 BITH575 – Comparative Religions
Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.
6 BITH576 -Christian Ethics and Excellence
This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.
7 BITH590 – Introduction to Biblical Counseling
The nature and principles of biblical counseling, techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving, the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture; and biblical conflict resolution.
8 BITH599 – Thesis (6 Credits) 6
9 BITH600 – Apologetics
In this course, students compare biblical, historical, and recent approaches to defending faith in God, Christ, and Scripture.
10 BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation
The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.
11 BITH630 – Church History I – From Pentecost to Reformation
In this course, students discover how the Church’s doctrine, faith, and practice developed from Pentecost to the time of the Protestant Reformation.




Prerequisite to enroll: A recognized Bachelor’s degree.

Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including thesis

1 BITH504 – Old Testament Theology I
The Old Testament books of Genesis-Kings are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.
2 BITH505 – Old Testament Theology II
Latter Prophets & Writings The Old Testament books of Job-Malachi are analyzed. The theological themes of these books are identified and traced throughout the Bible.
3 BITH506 – Basic Hebrew
Essentials of biblical Hebrew grammar: orthography, morphophonemics, vocabulary; historical developments; readings and exercises.
4 BITH571 – Systematic Theology 1
A systematic study of Christian theology with special attention given to bibliology and theology properly.
5 BITH572 – Systematic Theology II
This course is an overview of the theological areas of prolegomena, revelation, theology proper, anthropology, and Christology.
6 CH631 – The History of the Church Since the Reformation
In this course, students survey the development of the Christian church’s doctrine, faith, and practice from the Protestant Reformation to the present.
7 BITH575 – Comparative Religions
Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.
8 BITH 599  – Thesis (6 Credits)     6
9 BITH601 – Contemporary Theology I   
This course introduces students to the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with an examination of their philosophical backgrounds. Part I: Barth through Tillich. Part II: Vatican II to postmoderm theologies.
10 BITH602 – Contemporary Theology II  
This course introduces students to the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with an examination of their philosophical backgrounds. Part I: Barth through Tillich. Part II: Vatican II to postmoderm theologies.
11 BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation
The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.





Prerequisite to enroll: A recognized Bachelor’s degree.

Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including thesis


Theology of Christian Counseling (live)  (Jay Adams, author)

Gain deeper insight into the rich theological framework that supports and directs a biblical approach to counseling. Maintaining that the Bible is the source book for Christian counselors, Adams’s one-of-a-kind classic offers practical advice in applying the doctrines of God, man, salvation, sanctification, the church, and the future to help you guide people to wholeness and healing.


Introduction to Biblical Counseling (live)  (Gary Collins, author)

This revised and expanded third edition of Gary R. Collins’s comprehensive counseling guide offers solid biblical teaching on how to counsel and wise guidance on a broad range of situations counselors are likely to encounter. Clearly written and easy-to-read, Christian Counseling provides lasting value as a textbook for students and their professors, a training tool for lay counselors, a source of information for those seeking a greater understanding of human behavior, and a primer on the biblical foundation for Christian counseling.


The Handbook of Christian Counseling (live)  (Timothy Foster, author)

Counseling dos and don’ts -Helping people who are depressed -Understanding how emotions work -Solving marital difficulties -Dealing with grief -Helping people confront themselves -And much more ‘The Handbook of Christian Counseling’ is an essential reference you will want to keep on hand for easily accessible answers when others turn to you in their time of need.


Caring For Souls  (live)  (Harry Shields, author)

Caring for Souls is a helpful primer on the intersection of psychology and Scripture. How psychology fits into Christianity is a thorny and often confusing subject for many. There is a great deal of disagreement even among experts. The authors address different approaches and analyze them against Scripture, and then provide readers with practical teaching on implementing biblical counseling.


Grace for the Afflicted…Mental Illness  (live) (Matthew S. Stanford, author)

Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. Grace for the Afflicted is written to educate Christians about mental illness from both biblical and scientific perspectives.


Crisis and Trauma Counseling  (live) (H. Norman Wright, author)

Many pastors and lay counselors have had minimal training in clinical methods of grief and trauma counseling. The Complete Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling is a biblical, practical guide to pastoral counseling written by one of the most respected Christian therapists of our time. Dr. H. Norman Wright brings more than forty years of clinical and classroom experience to this topic. He shares real-life dialogues from his decades in private practice to demonstrate healthy, healing counseling sessions. Readers will learn how to counsel and coach both believers and nonbelievers who are in crisis, how to walk alongside them through the hours, weeks, and months following their trauma, and how to help them find the path to complete restoration.

7 Foundations of Faith
Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.
8 BITH 599  – Thesis (6 Credits)     6
9 BITH575 – Comparative Religions
Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices, themes, and impacts (including migration) of the world’s religions.
10 BITH576 -Christian Ethics and Excellence
This course will approach ethics on a scriptural basis.  It will not be too concerned with secular ethics, either traditional or contemporary, except as they relate to Biblical ethics.
11 BITH551 – Biblical Interpretation
The aim of this course is to develop a working knowledge of the basic skills of biblical interpretation. Students will be introduced to the various skills needed to work with the different types of literature, or genre, found in the Bible as well as matters of context and content. The goal of this course is to help students to become skilled, life-long exegetes of God’s Word.